


Targated Speciality


Disease Solution

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MicroVention Terumo

Optimal trackability for the most difficult procedures.

The HEADLINER is intended for use above the neck to guide angiographic catheters into the vasculature of the brain for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. Do not use the HEADLINER for any other purpose than those intended.

Features and Benefits


  • Terumo Glide Technology™ hydrophilic coating offers unmatched lubricity, providing consistent and enhanced maneurverability.
  • Rapid, smooth movement through tortuous vessels and across lesions.


  • Excellent cross ability for improved vessel access.
  • Minimal guidewire prolapse when navigating acute vessel angles.


  • Nitinol alloy core offers outstanding kink-resistance for easier, faster navigation through tortuous vessels.
  • Retains and restores original shape for extended use in difficult procedures.

Related Device SKUs

* Select 2 or more (upto 4) SKUs to compare.
SKU Name Device SKUs Model Total Length (cm) Radiopaque Tip Length (mm) Distal OD (in) Proximal OD (in) Tip Shape Radiopaque Tip Length (mm) Proximal OD (in) Radiopaque Tip Length (mm) Distal OD (in) Proximal OD (in) Distal OD (in) Radiopaque Tip Length (mm) Total Length(cm) Distal OD (in) Radiopaque Tip Length (mm) Total Length Radiopaque Tip Length Distal OD Proximal OD
Headliner® 12
GM 1221 200 20 0.012 0.012 45-deg Angle - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Headliner® 12
GM 1222 200 - 0.012 - 90-deg Angle 20 0.012 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Headliner® 12
GM 1223 200 - - - 1.5mm J-Tip Angle - - 20 0.012 0.012 - - - - - - - - -
Headliner® 12
GM 1224 200 - - 0.012 90/150-deg Angle - - 20 - - 0.012 - - - - - - - -
Headliner® 14
GM 1421 200 - 0.014 - Straight - 0.014 - - - - 20 - - - - - - -
Headliner® 14
GM 1422 - - - - 45-deg Angle - 0.014 - - - - 20 200 0.014 - - - - -
Headliner® 14
GM 1423 200 - 0.014 0.014 70-deg Agle - - - - - - - - - 20 - - - -
Headliner® 16
GM 1621 200 - 0.016 - 45-deg Agle - 0.016 - - - - 20 - - - - - - -
Headliner® 16
GM 1622 - - - - 90-deg Angle - - - - - - - - - - 200 cm 20 mm 0.016 in 0.016 in
Headliner® 16
GM 1623 200 - - - 1.5 mm J-Tip Angle - 0.016 - - - - 20 - 0.016 - - - - -
Headliner® 16
GM 1624 200 - - - 90/150-deg Angle - 0.016 - - - - 20 - 0.016 - - - - -
Headliner® 12
  • Model : GM 1221
  • Procedure : -
  • Total Length (cm) : 200
  • Radiopaque Tip Length (mm) : 20
  • Distal OD (in) : 0.012
  • Proximal OD (in) : 0.012
  • Tip Shape : 45-deg Angle
Headliner® 12
  • Model : GM 1222
  • Procedure : -
  • Total Length (cm) : 200
  • Radiopaque Tip Length (mm) : 20
  • Distal OD (in) : 0.012
  • Proximal OD (in) : 0.012
  • Tip Shape : 90-deg Angle
Headliner® 12
  • Model : GM 1223
  • Procedure : -
  • Total Length (cm) : 200
  • Radiopaque Tip Length (mm) : 20
  • Distal OD (in) : 0.012
  • Proximal OD (in) : 0.012
  • Tip Shape : 1.5mm J-Tip Angle
Headliner® 12
  • Model : GM 1224
  • Procedure : -
  • Total Length (cm) : 200
  • Radiopaque Tip Length (mm) : 20
  • Distal OD (in) : 0.012
  • Proximal OD (in) : 0.012
  • Tip Shape : 90/150-deg Angle
Headliner® 14
  • Model : GM 1421
  • Procedure : -
  • Total Length (cm) : 200
  • Radiopaque Tip Length (mm) : 20
  • Distal OD (in) : 0.014
  • Proximal OD (in) : 0.014
  • Tip Shape : Straight
Headliner® 14
  • Model : GM 1422
  • Procedure : -
  • Total Length(cm) : 200
  • Radiopaque Tip Length (mm) : 20
  • Distal OD (in) : 0.014
  • Proximal OD (in) : 0.014
  • Tip Shape : 45-deg Angle
Headliner® 14
  • Model : GM 1423
  • Procedure : -
  • Total Length (cm) : 200
  • Radiopaque Tip Length (mm) : 20
  • Distal OD (in) : 0.014
  • Proximal OD (in) : 0.014
  • Tip Shape : 70-deg Agle
Headliner® 16
  • Model : GM 1621
  • Procedure : -
  • Total Length (cm) : 200
  • Radiopaque Tip Length (mm) : 20
  • Distal OD (in) : 0.016
  • Proximal OD (in) : 0.016
  • Tip Shape : 45-deg Agle
Headliner® 16
  • Model : GM 1622
  • Procedure : -
  • Total Length : 200 cm
  • Radiopaque Tip Length : 20 mm
  • Distal OD : 0.016 in
  • Proximal OD : 0.016 in
  • Tip Shape : 90-deg Angle
Headliner® 16
  • Model : GM 1623
  • Procedure : -
  • Total Length (cm) : 200
  • Radiopaque Tip Length (mm) : 20
  • Distal OD (in) : 0.016
  • Proximal OD (in) : 0.016
  • Tip Shape : 1.5 mm J-Tip Angle
Headliner® 16
  • Model : GM 1624
  • Procedure : -
  • Total Length (cm) : 200
  • Radiopaque Tip Length (mm) : 20
  • Distal OD (in) : 0.016
  • Proximal OD (in) : 0.016
  • Tip Shape : 90/150-deg Angle

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