

Cerebral Coils


MicroVention Terumo

Helical coil with expansive hydrogel technology.

The HydroCoil Embolic System (HES) is intended for the endovascular embolization of intracranial aneurysms and other neurovascular abnormalities such as arteriovenous malformations and arteriovenous fistulae. The HES is also intended for vascular occlusion of blood vessels within the neurovascular system to permanently obstruct blood flow to an aneurysm or other vascular malformation and for arterial and venous embolizations in the peripheral vasculatur.

The device should only be used by physicians who have undergone pre-clinical training in all aspects of HES procedures as prescribed by MicroVention.

Features and Benefits

Efficient Filling

Hydrogel expansion provides up to 50% increase in coil volume, maximizing occlusion for aneurysms, fistulae, and vessels.

Proven Hydrogel Performance

Hydrogel core expands to provide a uniform scaffold for neointimal growth and additional volumetric filling of the aneurysm.

Safe and Effective

Hydrogel coils have shown similar safety profiles as bare platinum coils, while demonstrating lower rates of aneurysm recurrence and retreatment aided by the progressive occlusion of aneurysms overtime.

Recommended Compatible Devices

Compatible with Headway™ DUO 156cm Microcatheter, Headway™ 21 Microcatheter, Headway™ 17 Microcatheter.

Safety informations

Non-clinical testing and MRI simulations were performed to evaluate the entire family (i.e., available diameters and lengths) of the MicroPlex Coil System (MCS). Non-clinical testing demonstrated that the entire family of these embolization coils (see table below) is MR Conditional. A patient with an implant from this family can be scanned safely in an MR system under the following conditions:

- Static magnetic field of 1.5-Tesla and 3-Tesla, only.

- Maximum spatial gradient magnetic field of 4,000-gauss/cm (40-T/m).

-Maximum MR system reported, whole body averaged specific absorption rate (SAR) of 2-W/kg for 15 minutes of scanning (i.e., per pulse sequence) in the Normal Operating Mode.


Under the scan conditions defined, the MicroPlex Coil System (MCS) is expected to produce a maximum temperature rise of 2.3˚C after 15-minutes of continuous scanning (i.e., per pulse sequence).

In non-clinical testing, the image artifact caused by the MicroPlex Coil System (MCS), Cosmos 18 extends approximately 5-mm from this device when imaged with a gradient echo pulse sequence and a 3-Tesla MR system. 

Device Documents

Related Device SKUs

* Select 2 or more (upto 4) SKUs to compare.
SKU Name Device SKUs Model Softness Coil Size Diameter (mm) Length (cm)
HYDROGEL COILS HydroCoil® Embolic System
HydroFill®_1 Soft 10 12 30
HYDROGEL COILS HydroCoil® Embolic System
HydroFill®_2 Soft 10 10 30
HYDROGEL COILS HydroCoil® Embolic System
HydroFill®_3 Soft 10 9 30
HYDROGEL COILS HydroCoil® Embolic System
HydroFill®_4 Soft 10 8 20
HYDROGEL COILS HydroCoil® Embolic System
HydroFill®_5 Soft 10 7 20
HYDROGEL COILS HydroCoil® Embolic System
HydroFill®_6 Soft 10 6 20
HYDROGEL COILS HydroCoil® Embolic System
HydroFill®_7 Soft 10 6 15
HYDROGEL COILS HydroCoil® Embolic System
HydroFill®_8 Soft 10 5 15
HYDROGEL COILS HydroCoil® Embolic System
HydroFill®_9 Soft 10 5 10
HYDROGEL COILS HydroCoil® Embolic System
HydroFill®_10 Soft 10 4 10
HYDROGEL COILS HydroCoil® Embolic System
HydroFill®_11 Soft 10 4 8
HYDROGEL COILS HydroCoil® Embolic System
HydroFill®_12 Soft 10 3 6
HYDROGEL COILS HydroCoil® Embolic System
HydroFill®_13 Soft 10 2 6
  • Model : HydroFill®_1
  • Procedure : -
  • Softness : Soft
  • Coil Size : 10
  • Diameter (mm) : 12
  • Length (cm) : 30
  • Model : HydroFill®_2
  • Procedure : -
  • Softness : Soft
  • Coil Size : 10
  • Diameter (mm) : 10
  • Length (cm) : 30
  • Model : HydroFill®_3
  • Procedure : -
  • Softness : Soft
  • Coil Size : 10
  • Diameter (mm) : 9
  • Length (cm) : 30
  • Model : HydroFill®_4
  • Procedure : -
  • Softness : Soft
  • Coil Size : 10
  • Diameter (mm) : 8
  • Length (cm) : 20
  • Model : HydroFill®_5
  • Procedure : -
  • Softness : Soft
  • Coil Size : 10
  • Diameter (mm) : 7
  • Length (cm) : 20
  • Model : HydroFill®_6
  • Procedure : -
  • Softness : Soft
  • Coil Size : 10
  • Diameter (mm) : 6
  • Length (cm) : 20
  • Model : HydroFill®_7
  • Procedure : -
  • Softness : Soft
  • Coil Size : 10
  • Diameter (mm) : 6
  • Length (cm) : 15
  • Model : HydroFill®_8
  • Procedure : -
  • Softness : Soft
  • Coil Size : 10
  • Diameter (mm) : 5
  • Length (cm) : 15
  • Model : HydroFill®_9
  • Procedure : -
  • Softness : Soft
  • Coil Size : 10
  • Diameter (mm) : 5
  • Length (cm) : 10
  • Model : HydroFill®_10
  • Procedure : -
  • Softness : Soft
  • Coil Size : 10
  • Diameter (mm) : 4
  • Length (cm) : 10
  • Model : HydroFill®_11
  • Procedure : -
  • Softness : Soft
  • Coil Size : 10
  • Diameter (mm) : 4
  • Length (cm) : 8
  • Model : HydroFill®_12
  • Procedure : -
  • Softness : Soft
  • Coil Size : 10
  • Diameter (mm) : 3
  • Length (cm) : 6
  • Model : HydroFill®_13
  • Procedure : -
  • Softness : Soft
  • Coil Size : 10
  • Diameter (mm) : 2
  • Length (cm) : 6

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