Embolic Protection Devices can add a layer of protection during endovascular procedures in the lower extremities or carotids. In the lower extremities, downstream complications can be minimized and in the carotids, the stroke rate can be reduced with the use of EPDs1.
Clinical Findings in Brief
Three trials evaluated carotid stenting with the Emboshield NAV6™ EPS and/or previous generation Abbott products.
- ACT I: Asymptomatic Carotid Trial I
- CHOICE: Carotid Stenting for High Surgical-Risk Patients; Evaluating Outcomes Through the CollectIon of Clinical Evidence
- Protect: Protected Carotid Artery Stenting in Patients at High Risk for Carotid Endarterectomy (CEA)
Summary of Clinical Trial Data for Emboshield NAV6™ Embolic Protection System
DS = Death or stroke DSMI = Death, stroke, or myocardial infarction CEA = Carotid endarterectomy
ACT I Trial2,5
The primary aim of this prospective, multicenter trial was to compare the outcomes of stenting with embolic protection vs carotid endarterectomy.
The 1,453 patients were randomly assigned to the stenting group (n = 1,089) or the CEA group (n = 364), all of whom met the following criteria:
- Asymptomatic, severe (> 70%) carotid stenosis
- ≤ 79 years of age
- Standard risk for CEA surgical complications
ACT I TRIAL CAROTID ARTERY STENTING (CAS)CAROTID ENDARTERECTOMYPrimary composite endpoint: DSMI (at 30 days) and ipsilateral stroke (31 days - 1 year)3.8%3.4%Freedom from ipsilateral stroke (31 days - 5 years)97.8%97.3%Freedom from clinically driven revascularization (5 years, p = 0.05)98.4%96.7%5 year survival87.1%89.4%
The authors concluded that:
- There were no significant differences in long-term (5-year) rates of stroke and survival between the two groups in this large randomized trial.
- CAS was found to be noninferior to CEA for the primary composite end point: DSMI within 30 days; or ipsilateral stroke within 1 year post procedure.
With 17,925 patients evaluated, the CHOICE trial represents the largest prospective, single-arm, adjudicated, multicenter CAS data set to date. The CHOICE study also provided additional post-market surveillance of RX Acculink™ Carotid Stent System and Abbott’s embolic protection systems.
Patient criteria included:
- Severe stenosis of ≥ 50% for symptomatic patients and ≥ 80% for asymptomatic patients
- High surgical risk for CEA
There were other notable aspects of the patient population:
- 22.6% who were age ≥ 80
- 24.4% who had heavy calcification at the target site
The 30-day findings included:
(N = 17,925)PATIENTS AGE < 80
(N = 13,868)DSMI4.2%3.4%DS3.8%3.0%Death or major stroke1.4%1.1%
The investigators concluded that CAS is a viable option for patients at high risk for CEA. In addition, favorable outcomes were observed in patients < 80 years of age.
Investigators undertook the PROTECT trial (n = 220) in an effort to evaluate the outcomes with improved device technology.
The PROTECT trial included only patients at high surgical risk for CEA, and severe stenosis:
- ≥ 50% for symptomatic patients
- ≥ 80% for asymptomatic patients
PROTECT TRIALDS (30 days)1.8%DSMI (30 days)2.3%Death or Major Stroke (30 days)0.5%Freedom from Ipsilateral Stroke (31 days – 3 years)98.8%
These data reveal improved outcomes compared to earlier high-risk CAS trials.
PROTECT Trial: Lower DSMI Rate Outcomes vs Other High Risk Carotid IDE Trials

NOTE: Results from clinical trials are not directly comparable. Information provided for educational purposes only.