Neuron Intracranial Access System
Potential Adverse Events
Possible complications include, but are not limited to, the following:
acute occlusion; air embolism; death; distal embolization; emboli; false aneurysm formation; hematoma or hemorrhage at puncture site; infection; intracranial hemorrhage; ischemia; neurological deficits including stroke; vessel spasm, thrombosis, dissection, or perforation.
Neuron MAX System
Potential Adverse Events
Possible complications include, but are not limited to, the following:
acute occlusion; air embolism; death; distal embolization; emboli; false aneurysm formation; hematoma or hemorrhage at puncture site; infection; intracranial hemorrhage; ischemia; neurological deficits including stroke; vessel spasm, thrombosis, dissection, or perforation.
Benchmark Intracranial Access System
Potential Adverse Events
Possible complications include, but are not limited to, the following:
acute occlusion; air embolism; death; distal embolization; emboli; false aneurysm formation; hematoma or hemorrhage at puncture site; infection; intracranial hemorrhage; ischemia; neurological deficits including stroke; vessel spasm, thrombosis, dissection, or perforation.