Potential adverse events which may be associated with the use of a stent in the Iliac arteries include, but are not limited to: Abrupt or sub-acute closure , Allergic reaction to 316L stainless steel, Allergic reaction to device materials or procedure medications, Amputation, Aneurysm, Angina, Arrhythmia, Arterio-venous fistula, Artery injury (e.g., dissection, perforation or rupture), Bleeding requiring transfusion, Contrast medium reaction/renal failure, Death, Device breakage, Embolism, Failure to deploy stent, Fever, Gastrointestinal bleeding due to anticoagulation, Hematoma, Hypertension/Hypotension, Infection, Inflammation, Intraluminal thrombus, Myocardial infarction, Pain, Partial stent deployment, Pseudoaneurysm, Renal insufficiency, Restenosis, Sepsis, Shock, Stent collapse or fracture, Stent migration, Stent misplacement, Stroke, Surgical or endovascular intervention,Thrombosis/occlusion of the stent, Transient increase in glomerular filtration rate, Transient ischemic attack, Venous thromboembolism, Vessel spasm, Worsening claudication or rest pain.