Manufacturer > Medtronic > Devices > Endurant II Stent Graft Systems

Endurant II Stent Graft Systems


Ancillary Components

Targated Speciality




Choose the AAA proven solution as varied as your patients. The Endurant™ II system family of products provides the standard of care with a legacy of clinical success for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). For the past 5 years, the Endurant II stent graft system has been used in 1 out of 2 EVAR cases.* The Endurant™ II stent stent graft has deep clinical experience and favorable clinical outcomes designed to treat both straightforward and challenging anatomy.

Features and Benefits

  1. Flexibility and conformability. Designed to conform to the natural tortuosity of the vessel. Low-profile, hydrophilic delivery coating enhances access and trackability.
  2. Accurate placement and controlled deployment. Flexible, kink-resistant delivery system facilitates stent graft delivery. Tip capture for precise positioning adjustments, including adjustment of placement proximally or distally.
  3. Optimal seal and fixation. M-shaped proximal stents provide wall apposition and minimise in-folding. Suprarenal stent anchor pins provide secure fixation.
  4. Durability and strength. High-density, multifilament polyester graft material provides lower porosity for resistance against aneurysm sac growth.

Illustration showing Endurant II stent graft features close up

Safety informations

The Endurant II/IIs stent graft system is indicated for the endovascular treatment of infrarenal or juxtarenal abdominal aortic or aortoiliac aneurysms in patients with the following characteristics:

  • adequate iliac or femoral access vessel morphology that is compatible with vascular access techniques, devices, or accessories
  • iliac distal fixation length of ≥15 mm
  • iliac diameters with a range of 8 to 25 mm
  • morphology suitable for aneurysm repair 
  • one of the following:
  • aneurysm diameter >5 cm
  • aneurysm diameter of 4 to 5 cm, which has also increased in size by 0.5 cm in the last 6 months
  • aneurysm that is at least 1.5 times the diameter of the normal infrarenal aorta

In addition, for treatment of infrarenal abdominal aortic or aortoiliac aneurysms, the following patient characteristics apply:

  • aortic neck diameters with a range of 19 to 32 mm
  • proximal neck length of ≥10 mm or ≥4 mm and <10 mm when used in conjunction with the Heli-FX EndoAnchor system, with insignificant calcification, or insignificant thrombus with ≤60° infrarenal and ≤45° suprarenal angulation and a vessel diameter approximately 10% to 20% smaller than the labelled Endurant II/Endurant IIs stent graft diameter
  • proximal neck length of ≥15 mm with insignificant calcification, or insignificant thrombus with ≤75° infrarenal and ≤60° suprarenal angulation and a vessel diameter approximately 10% to 20% smaller than the labelled Endurant II/Endurant IIs stent graft diameter

In addition, for treatment of juxtarenal abdominal aortic or aortoiliac aneurysms with the parallel graft technique, the following patient characteristics apply:

  • aortic neck diameters with a range of 19 mm to 30 mm
  • infrarenal proximal neck length of ≥2 mm and total available proximal seal length >15 mm with a balloon expandable covered stent deployed in a parallel graft technique in one or two renal arteries and with insignificant calcification, or insignificant thrombus with ≤60° infrarenal, ≤45° suprarenal, and ≤45° suprasuperior mesenteric artery angulation (supraSMA angulation) and an aortic diameter approximately 20% to 30% smaller than the labelled Endurant II/Endurant IIs stent graft diameter 
  • adequate brachial or axillary access that is compatible with vascular access techniques, devices, or accessories
  • sufficient renal fixation length
  • renal take off angulation <90° relative to the aortic centerline

Note: The angle between the aortic and renal artery blood lumen centerlines is the renal take-off angulation. An angle of <90° is associated with a downward-pointed renal artery relative to the trajectory of the aortic centerline.

Device Documents

Related Device SKUs

* Select 2 or more (upto 4) SKUs to compare.
SKU Name Device SKUs Model Proximal Graft Diameter (mm) Distal Graft Diameter (mm) Distal Design Total Covered Length (mm) Delivery System
ETBF 23 13 C 124 EE
  • Model : ETBF
  • Procedure : -
  • Proximal Graft Diameter (mm) : 23
  • Distal Graft Diameter (mm) : 13
  • Distal Design : C
  • Total Covered Length (mm) : 124
  • Delivery System : EE

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